to our Job Portal integratedjobs.blogspot.com. It is a job which is related to
All India Govt Jobs Recruitment. This notification about Telecommunications
Consultants India Ltd Recruitment Department has just announced Telecommunications Consultants India Ltd
Recruitment Notification 2014. Mainly this notification released for Executive Trainees Pay Recruitment Posts. There are plenty of vacancies noticed from this
Recruitment. Total 20 posts issued under this Telecommunications
Consultants India Ltd Recruitment Executive Trainees Recruitment
Careers notification. All the briefs details are listed below in understandable
format for user conveniences.
Brief Details for Telecommunications Consultants India
Ltd Recruitment Notification 2014:
Post Name: Executive
No. Of Vacancy: 20
Post/Discipline GEN SC ST OBC TOTAL
Executive Trainee (Electronics &
Communication) 10 03 02 05 20
Organization Name: Telecommunications
Consultants India Ltd
Organization Website: www.tcil-india.com
Name of Recruitment: Telecommunications Consultants India Ltd Recruitment Executive
Trainees 2014.
Education Qualification: Candidates who have passed their
B.E. /B.Tech/AMIETE in 2013/2014 in Electronics & Communications
Engineering from a recognized Institute/University with a valid GATE score 2014
Age Limit: Max 25 years as on 01/06/2014
Service Agreement Bond :
candidates at the time of joining will be required to execute a bond for Rs.
1,00000/- for serving TCIL for a period of 3 years (including training).
Selection Process:
Selection process comprises of two stages:
1. Valid GATE score 2014 : TCIL will
be utilizing Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering 2014 scores for recruitment
of Executive Trainees in the above disciplines as per above mentioned
eligibility marks. Only GATE - 2014 score is valid for this recruitment
2. Personal Interview : Based on
the valid score of GATE 2014 and organizational requirement, candidates will be
shortlisted on merit for the personal interview for the positions of Executive
Trainees in the above disciplines.
Applying Characteristics for Telecommunications
Consultants India Ltd Executive Trainees Recruitment 2014:
to Apply: Qualify candidates may apply
online through the website www.tcil-india.com between 11-06-2014 to 26-06-2014.
General Instructions :
1. The last date of receipt
of the applications is 1st July 2014
2. Only Indian Nationals are eligible to apply.
3.Age relaxation upto maximum 5 years for
candidates belonging to SC/ST category and 3 years for candidates belonging to
OBC category, as per Govt. of India guidelines.
4. The posts advertised are meant for different
locations in India/Abroad. Selected candidates may be posted anywhere in India
or Abroad.
5. GATE score of 2013 or scores prior to that is
not valid.
6. Applications form in the prescribed format
with duly attested copies of all relevant certificates in proof of Education,
Date of Birth, Caste Category and Valid GATE 2014 score card will only be
7. The no. of posts advertised may vary
depending upon the requirement and candidates will be called for interview in
order of merit of GATE -2014 marks (out of 100) in the ratio of 1: 10 to our
vacancies & as per our requirement at that time.
8.Incomplete/unsigned applications and
applications received after the last date of receipt of applications will not
be entertained and the application form in the prescribed format without the
duly attested copies of all relevant certificates as mentioned will liable to
be rejected.
9. Name of the post applied for should invariably
be mentioned on the top of the envelope containing the application form.
10. Candidates working in Govt. organization/PSU
shall apply through proper channel. However a copy of the application may be
sent in advance for consideration.
11. Interested candidates should send their
applications in the prescribed format to "The Executive Director
(HRD), Telecommunications Consultants India Ltd., TCIL Bhawan, Greater Kailash
-I, New Delhi - 110048 up to the last date of receipt of applications.
Tags: Telecommunications Consultants India Ltd Recruitment 2014, Telecommunications Consultants India Ltd Recruitment Notification 2014, Telecommunications Consultants India Ltd Recruitment Careers, Latest Telecommunications Consultants India Ltd Recruitment Jobs 2014, Govt Jobs in Telecommunications Consultants India Ltd Recruitment , Government Jobs in Telecommunications Consultants India Ltd Recruitment , Upcoming Jobs in Telecommunications Consultants India Ltd Recruitment , Telecommunications Consultants India Ltd Recruitment Executive Trainees Recruitment Jobs, Telecommunications Consultants India Ltd Recruitment 2014, Telecommunications Consultants India Ltd Recruitment Latest Government Recruitment , Telecommunications Consultants India Ltd Recruitment Executive Trainees Jobs, Telecommunications Consultants India Ltd Recruitment Chief Manager Jobs, Telecommunications Consultants India Ltd Recruitment Manager Jobs, Telecommunications Consultants India Ltd Recruitment Office Asst Jobs, Telecommunications Consultants India Ltd Recruitment , Telecommunications Consultants India Ltd Recruitment Office ltd, Telecommunications Consultants India Ltd Recruitment 2014, www.tcil-india.com., Telecommunications Consultants India Ltd Recruitment jobs,bank jobs,Telecommunications Consultants India Ltd Recruitment jobs,Indian jobs,latest jobs in 2014,latest jobs,recent jobs, TCIL Recruitment 2014, TCIL Recruitment Notification 2014, TCIL Recruitment Careers, Latest TCIL Recruitment Jobs 2014, Govt Jobs in TCIL Recruitment , Government Jobs in TCIL Recruitment , Upcoming Jobs in TCIL Recruitment , TCIL Recruitment Executive Trainees Recruitment Jobs, TCIL Recruitment 2014, TCIL Recruitment Latest Government Recruitment , TCIL Recruitment Executive Trainees Jobs, TCIL Recruitment Electronics & Communication Jobs, TCIL Recruitment Manager Jobs, TCIL Recruitment Office Asst Jobs, TCIL Recruitment , TCIL Recruitment Office ltd, TCIL Recruitment 2014, www.tcil-india.com., TCIL Recruitment jobs,All India jobs,TCIL Recruitment jobs,Indian jobs,latest jobs in 2014,latest jobs,recent jobs,
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